The onset of Spring’s warm weather is an excellent time to review and refresh rental properties.
May through September are the most popular leasing months, and tenants will be looking for vacancies. Making a great impression and providing a great property for your existing tenants can be easy with a few quick processes to prepare for the upcoming seasons.
By working alongside your current tenants, you can keep your properties in top condition and raise your retention rates by establishing an encouraging relationship. Some steps to get your properties ready for Spring can include:
Opening windows to allow healthy and refreshing airflow
Check for stripping and leaks on windows and doors, as these can lead to even higher energy bills in the summer and make it more challenging to keep a comfortable temperature
Test smoke alarms
Inspect outdoor faucets and hoses for leaks
Test the air conditioning and make any needed repairs before the heat of summer sets in
Updating the services that you provide for tenants can also be a great step in refreshing your property. With so many stream-lined, modern leasing options available, it’s important to stay caught up with technology’s possibilities. Handling leasing and rent collection online is widely used across the industry, and not offering these services can cause dissatisfaction for both current and potential tenants. If you don’t currently offer this option, you may want to begin implementation while preparing for the busy months ahead.
Make a Fresh Spring Impression
After focusing on emergencies and other upkeep during the cold months, your properties may be in need of some refreshing maintenance. The yard is an important part of any property, especially as prospective tenants will see the outside of a home before the inside. Repairing fences, clearing leaves, sealing decks, and fertilizing the lawn will go a long way in creating an inviting outdoor area.
Getting your properties, staff, technology and other aspects of your ready for the busy months to come can put you ahead of the curve and proactively reduce the possibility of serious situations for both you and your tenants.